Information Estimation Framework
We model imaging systems (encoders) as functions that transform objects into images, which are then captured with noise by a detector. Using just these noisy measurements and knowledge of the noise characteristics, we can evaluate system quality and guide improvements.

Information measures how well we can distinguish different objects from noisy measurements. When noise increases, multiple objects could have produced the same measurement, making them harder to tell apart and reducing the information content.
To estimate information, we measure the total variability in measurements and subtract out the portion caused by noise.
Mathematically, this can be written as the difference of two entropies:

These quantities depend on two key probability distributions:

For most imaging systems, we know or can measure the noise distribution $\color{#189EE8}{p(\mathbf{y} \mid \mathbf{x})}$. For example, the random arrival times of photons are known to follow a Poisson distribution. This lets us directly calculate $\color{#189EE8}{H(\mathbf{Y} \mid \mathbf{X})}$.
The measurement distribution $\color{#38AD07}{p(\mathbf{y})}$ is trickier - it depends on both the objects and the imaging system itself. We learn this distribution from data by fitting a model $\color{#38AD07}{p_\theta(\mathbf{y})}$ to a dataset of measurements.
Our approach provides an upper bound on the true information content. Since any estimate we compute will be higher than the true value, we can compare different models by choosing the one that gives the lowest estimate.