DiffuserCam Lensless Mirflickr Dataset

The DiffuserCam Lensless Mirflickr Dataset (DLMD) is a dataset consisting of 25,000 aligned image pairs taken with both a lensless camera (DiffuserCam) and a lensed camera. This is based on the MIRFLICKR dataset and DiffuserCam lensless imaging. This dataset is intended to be used for image reconstruction algorithms and is available to the public. The dataset consists of :
  • DiffuserCam images (25,000)
  • Lensed camera images (25,000)
  • Experimentally measured point spread function image
  • In the wild photos (10) and video sequences (5) of real toys/objects placed in from of DiffuserCam. These images/videos can be used to test network generalization.
The full dataset is 75 GB and be downloaded here: [link]
The point spread function is avaialble here: [link]
The 'in the wild' photos/videos are available here: [link]
If you would like to download only a subset of the lensed/DiffuserCam images, the individual images are available here: [link lensed] [link DiffuserCam]
If you use our dataset in your research, please cite the following publication: